Why isn't the State of the work item considered when retrieving attribute values?
If you use Visual Studio or access TSF using a browser, attribute values retrieved for a work item are retrieved based on the work item's State. In contrast when using SmartWord4TFS, all attribute values are retrieved reagrdless of the work item's State (e.g. State and Reason attributes of a Bug work item)
Open Jul 23, 2015 - 09:31 AM
SmartWord4DevOps > Documents Authoring
Voted Best Answer
Mar 11, 2015 - 07:34 AM
Currently the Reason field of all the Work items is not supported as it based on the transition of the state. it is in our backlog, I will keep you posted.
Currently only transition of State is supported
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The Reason field is just an example and I believe that there are other similar fields as well. Do let me know when there are updates on this.
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