Mar 26, 2015 - 02:00 PM
Hi Ramilamad,
You can retrieve large number of work items may be it take little more time as compare to less no. of work items.
But as you mentioned that None WI are retrieved than for this we have to do a brief GoToMeeting Session so i can investigate it and also try to resolve it.
Do let me know your availability so according to that i shall send you the meeting invite.
Umair Abbasi.
Senior Consultant.
You can retrieve large number of work items may be it take little more time as compare to less no. of work items.
But as you mentioned that None WI are retrieved than for this we have to do a brief GoToMeeting Session so i can investigate it and also try to resolve it.
Do let me know your availability so according to that i shall send you the meeting invite.
Umair Abbasi.
Senior Consultant.
Oh that'd be great! I'm from Sri Lanka so I assume there is at least a 10 hour time difference between us. I think both of us will be comfortable if you schedule a meeting early morning or evening, your time. Let me know what you need from my end to schedule the meeting.
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