If I add a smartpart to a template, can that smartpart be used in existing documents based on that template?
I have a template that was used for several documents. If I add a new smartpart to that template, can I use it in the documents that are based on that template?
Open Jul 06, 2015 - 04:06 AM
SmartWord4DevOps > Working with Templates, SmartWord4DevOps > Documents Authoring
Jul 06, 2015 - 01:52 PM
Hi AndyWall,
Yes, if you add a new smartpart to that template then you can use it in the documents that are created base on that template.
Umair Abbasi.
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Hi, I am having problems with this - I have a document that is based on a template. I added a smartpart to the template, but it is not available for use in the document.
Hi AndyWall,
Can we please do a brief GoToMeeting session today or tomorrow so that I can investigate the issue and try to resolve it too.
Kindly do let me know your availability so according to that I shall send you the meeting invite.
Umair Abbasi.
I can do a session before 15:00 tomorrow or anytime wednesday
That's UK time - not sure what zone you're in
I am in the Toronto - EST Time Zone.
OK let's do the GoToMeeting session tomorrow at 14:00 yours time which will be 9:00am EST mine.
You will receive the GoToMeeting Invite shortly.
Umair Abbasi.
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