Unable to connect to project.
Unable to connect to TFS project.
TFS 2015 Team Explorer (VS 2015) running against TFS 2013.
Office 2013.
Connection browser works properly on first "Choose Team Project". Shows Project Collections and Projects.
On Project selection, a progress dialog briefly appears and then nothing.
Subsequent attempts to "Choose Team Project": progress dialog briefly appears and then nothing.
Open Aug 06, 2015 - 07:28 AM
SmartWord4DevOps > Get Work Items
Aug 06, 2015 - 07:39 AM
Hi RonGreeves,
Can you please let us know that what version of SmartWord4TFS and OS do you have ?
Secondly, is this issue coming with some particular Team Projects OR with All of them ?
Umair Abbasi.
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I guess my first attempt at a reply was lost?
SmartWord4TFS version: (32-bit) [this is after I accepted an update].
Windows 8.1 Pro
Tried with several projects and had the same issue with each.
About box says
"Missing Versions
Team Explorer is Missing"
update: sending log via email.
Hi RonGreeves,
Yes it seems that this is not the case, but can you please install this Missing Team Explorer and after that if it still persists then we will do a GoToMeeting session so that we can investigate the issue.
You can download and install the Team Explorer from the following location:
Umair Abbasi.
Is the software not yet updated to support VS/TFS 2015?
Currently SmartWord4TFS not yet supports VS/TFS 2015. But in our next build which is plan to release on this coming Tuesday 11th August 2015 it shall be compatible with VS/TFS 2015.
Umair Abbasi.
Thanks Umair, I'll wait for that update and then try again - I don't really want to install multiple Team Explorers on my system.
Hi RonGreeves,
Please download the latest version of SmartWord4TFS from our official website as it is compatible with VS/TFS 2015.
Umair Abbasi.
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