Aug 16, 2015 - 01:05 PM
The license you have received as part of your VS Enterprise with MSDN subscription can be used to activate both SmartOffice4TFs and inteGREAT4TFS.
To install SmartWord4TFS, SmartVisio4TFS, SmartExcel4TFS and SmartOutlook4TFS please use the Web Installer. Alternatively, you can use the ISO or EXE download.
When you open the Office product (e.g. Word) you will see a new tab called 'SmartXXXX4TFS' (SmartWord4TFS). Click on 'About' in this new tab and click on 'Activate' to activate the product. As these are plug-ins, they will not appear in your list of programs.
To install inteGREAT4TFS download the installer (EXE) and run it. When it asks for username and password, provide admin username and password on the machine where it is being installed. It can be installed on the same server as TFS or another server.
When users access this application using a browser they will be asked to activate. Use the same license key.
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