Issue installing word and outlook 4TFS
I have installed office 2013, and I have succesfully installed visio and excel 4TFS, but for word and outlook I keep getting a message that says:
"Microsoft (Word/Outlook) 2010 or above is required" - Yes/No
Either I choose yes or no, the installer doesn't do anything else and the plug in isn't installed.
I will appreciate your advice.
Open Aug 18, 2015 - 10:46 AM
Installation and Licensing > SmartOutlook4DevOps, Installation and Licensing > SmartWord4DevOps
Voted Best Answer
Aug 19, 2015 - 08:25 AM
SmartWord4TFS version should be and SmartOutlook4TFS version should be These are our latest versions on MSDN
Aug 18, 2015 - 11:35 AM
Hi Larojas,
Do you also have Office 2007 or 2003 installed on your machine?
Umair Abbasi.
Aug 19, 2015 - 07:56 AM
Dear Larojas,
Please let us know the following:
OS version + (32bit/64bit) ?
Smartword4TFS version ? SmartOutlook4TFS version ?
Team explorer version ?
Internet explorer version ?
Ali Khan
Aug 19, 2015 - 08:13 AM
Smartword4TFS version ?
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I can't see the exact version if it doesn't allow me to install, but I have tried the exe, ISO and web installer from MSDN and none of them work, please advice.
Hi Larojas,
Can we please do a brief GoToMeeting session tomorrow at 9:30am EST so that we can investigate the issue.
Kindly do let us know that will you be available tomorrow at 9:30am EST for the session ?
Umair Abbasi.
10am EST works better for me, please send me your email to set the meeting details, thanks
Hi Larojas,
Let me send You and our SmartOffice team the GoToMeeting Invite for tomorrow 10am EST session. You will receive the invite shortly.
Umair Abbasi.
never mind, it just got solved by reinstalling visio and office. Apparently the fact that visio was 32bit and office 64bits was affecting it. After reinstalling all as 64bits it worked, Thanks any way.
Good to see that your issue has been resolved, please carry one with it and if you face any other issue then kindly do let us know.
Umair Abbasi.
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