Why is the Description field format different than what is shown in Word when importing from Word to TFS?
In the Word document I have:
Heading 1
Normal Text
I want the Heading to be the title and the Normal Text to be the description. However, when I tag it and go to publish it in TFS the normal text goes from:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at has zril fuisset lobortis. Quod prodesset ad pro, cu mea harum elaboraret. Eam autem vocibus conclusionemque eu, in sed dicat nostrud accumsan, debitis nominati necessitatibus est et. Noluisse probatus est ea, cu vim impetus nonumes, vis no molestiae scribentur complectitur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at has zril fuisset lobortis. Quod prodesset ad pro, cu mea harum elaboraret. Eam autem vocibus conclusionemque
eu, in sed dicat nostrud accumsan, debitis nominati necessitatibus est et. Noluisse probatus est ea, cu vim impetus nonumes, vis no molestiae
scribentur complectitur.
Open Aug 20, 2015 - 01:20 PM
SmartWord4DevOps > Documents Authoring
Voted Best Answer
Sep 01, 2015 - 10:44 PM
Dear LeWoody,
SmartWord4TFS doesn’t support "Exactly" and "at least" line spacing options. It's an impediment. As you mentioned that line spacing was "Exactly 12 pt".
Thank you
Ali Khan
Aug 20, 2015 - 01:51 PM
Hi LeWoody,
I published your normal text at my end and it published correctly, without these paragraphs and extra empty lines.
Can you please let me know what versions of OS, TFS, Office and Visual Studio you have on your machine ?
And Is this issue appearing in a particular scenario OR with some particular Team Project ?
And which TFS Process template you are using, is it from the default ones Or a Customized one ?
Also in which language all of the above softwares have been installed, english?
Umair Abbasi.
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