Sep 08, 2015 - 03:41 AM
Dear Stevereid,
Thank you for installing SmartOffice4TFS product.
Open the FILE Menu---> OPTIONS---> ADD-INS---> MANAGE dropdown with GO Button. Click the GO button and then you will get the COMM Add-Ins Window, from there check the SmartWord4TFS and click OK then. Close the Word and open it again then you will get the SmartWord4TFS Tab.
If SmartWord4TFS doesn’t appear in the COMM Add-Ins Window then Open the MANAGE Dropdown and Select the DISABLED ITEMS and then click the GO Button and from the Disabled Items select the SmartWord4TFS and ENABLED it and close this window and also Word and then open the Word again
Thank You,
Ali Khan
Sep 08, 2015 - 07:26 AM
How did you install the SmartWord and SmartExcel on your machine? Kindly install them again through the Web Installer and then check.
And what OS, MS Office, Visual Studio and TFS are installed on your machine ?
Umair Abbasi.
Hi, the problem is that when I enable the add-in the way you describe it is not there the next time I open word and I need to enable it again.
Hi, I uninstalled and installed again and now the option is back, I'm still not sure why it was removed in the first place so I'll keep an eye open to see if it disappears again.
This is Windows 7 with Office 2013 (365)
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