Edit an existing temlate (.dotx)
If I have an existing template (.dotx) that was created using "Template Designing" mode, how can I further edit that template once it has been saved and closed?
Currently if I open the .dotx file then I am put into "Document Authoring" mode so cannot edit and re-create the smart parts.
Here is an example of the workflow that I am using:-
1, Open a new word document Word4TFS is in "Template Designing" mode
2, Create some content for the different work items that I want (e.g. Feature, User Story, Task) using the process template
3, Use the "Create Smart Parts --> Selecion based" to create the actual smart parts
4, Save the document as a .dotx
... some time later I realise that I need to add a field to one of the smart parts (e.g. "Priority" needs adding to the "Feature" part)
5, Open the .dotx file BUT Word4TFS is not in "Document authoring" mode so I cannot update any of the smart parts
Unless I can achieve this is looks like I only get one attempt at creating the smart parts.
Open Sep 24, 2015 - 03:38 AM
SmartWord4DevOps > Working with Templates
Voted Best Answer
Sep 25, 2015 - 08:55 AM
Hi Steve,
It seems that you are opening the Word Template(.dotx) as a Document(.docx) and therefore you are not getting the Creating or Editing of Smart Parts option.
As you have saved it as .dotx file so please open it in the word template format and then you can re-create or edit the SmartParts.
Still if you face any issue then kindly do let me know.
Umair Abbasi.
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Ah, silly me. Thanks for that - I have several templates open on my PC and was worried about it crashing and not being able to edit the smart parts again. I can now rest easy -
Thanks again :-)
You are Welcome Steve.
Umair Abbasi.
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