New Work Item from Mail does not save
I have re-installed SmartOutlook4TFS on a new laptop and the New Work Item from Mail no longer seems to work.
I can choose the work item type and enter all the information for the work item.
When I click save, nothing happens. There is no error message but the work item is not saved.
How should I begin to troubleshoot this problem?
Open Dec 03, 2015 - 07:22 AM
SmartOutlook4DevOps > Email Management
Dec 08, 2015 - 02:19 AM
Dear markgendein,
Please let us know which SmartOutlook4TFS version you are using? Also tell us is this happens with specific email or every email?
Thank you,
Ali Khan
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SmartOutlook4TFS 2015 Update 2
Version (32-bit).
In the About dialog, it shows the following. Is the missing version the problem?
A Microsoft Outlook companion to work with Team Foundation Server.
Missing Versions
Update 4 of Team Explorer 2013 is Missing
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