Jun 23, 2016 - 02:37 PM
When you change the formatting to Times New Romans then Do Publish it to the TFS, and then when you Refresh you shall not lose any of the formatting changes you have made.
Umair Abbasi.
My Smartword4TFS doc is formatted in Times New Roman. When I bring over work items from my project in TFS, they are formatted in Calibri Light. In addition, if I change the formatting to Times New Roman and then Refresh from TFS, I lose all of the formatting changes I've made.
1. Is there a way to define the formatting for TFS work items prior to populating the Word doc so that they populate the Word doc in Times New Roman?
2. Is there a way to 'keep' any formatting changes made in the Word doc and not lose those changes upon Refresh from TFS?
SmartWord4DevOps > Documents Authoring, SmartWord4DevOps > Get Work Items, SmartWord4DevOps > Working with Templates
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Jun 23, 2016 - 02:37 PM
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Unfortunately, this did not work for me.
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