Oct 12, 2016 - 05:59 AM
Hi Chris,
It could be the problem of internet connectivity. Please make sure there is no issue in Internet connectivity from vendor side.
Second possibility, for this message is when secured environment is blocking proxy from firewall or due to any applied network policy. It could be resolved by two ways:
1)- Please ask Network Administrator to add below given URL in allowed list or add to bypass list: https://modernrequirements.compliance...
2)- Ask Administrator (of inteGREAT4TFS Server) to perform these steps below , on machine where Application services are running:
1. Go to the location below:
2. <Default Installation Drive>:\Program Files (x86)\eDev Technologies\inteGREAT4TFS 2016 Update X\Service\Web.config
3. Open “Web.config” file in Notepad Editor.
4. Find for the entry:
a. <!-- <add key="License.LicenseProxyCredentials" value="hostname=[hostname],port=[port],username=[username],password=[password],
domain=[domain]"/> -->
5. Un comment it (by removing “<!--“ & “-->”.
6. Now add values in above entry as:
a. Hostname=proxy server IP/Name.
b. Port= Port opened/allowed for proxy.
c. User Name = Authorize username on Proxy Server
d. Password= Authorize password on Proxy Server.
e. Domain= Specify Domain Name.
7. After modification, save this file.
8. Restart IIS.
Umair Abbasi.
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