Staff Answer
Oct 17, 2016 - 11:19 PM
It should only occur when inteGREAT4TFSsrv in application pool under Internet Information System Manager window: This message appears if integreat4tfssrv service is stopped in Application Pool IIS manager window. You can check it through steps below: 1)- On Run Command window. 2)- Write "inetmgr" and click "OK". 3)- IIS Manager window would be displayed. 4)- From left panel with title "Connections", click on "Application Pools". 5)- Different services along with integreat4tfs services would be displayed and their status in middle pane. 6)- If any of the service is found stopped, you can start it by just right click menu option "Start". Now switch back to browser window and refresh the login page of inteGREAT4TFS. OR This issue occurs, if credentials used during installation of inteGREAT4TFS are modified or does not have Admin rights. To update given/used credentials, Please follow steps shared in "APPENDIX G: WINDOWS CREDENTIALS UPDATION FOR INTEGREAT4TFS" in inteGREAT4TFS Installation Guide.
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