Childs of the same Workitem Type
TFS structure ist like this
--Userstory Level 1
---- Userstory Level 2
--Userstory Level 1
--Userstory Level 1
If I get the workitems by "Queries" the structure is preserved, but I can not changing the template (Smart Part) "Userstory" does not have any effect (changing the Feature template does!).
If i create new Smart Parts for Feature and Userstory the "Userstory Level 2" will be displayed as a "Userstory Level 1" in Word.
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance
Open Apr 29, 2018 - 08:55 PM
SmartWord4DevOps > Working with Templates
Apr 30, 2018 - 04:53 AM
Hi Thomas,
I am not getting your question so can you please bit more explain it with images or a video so that i can reply you better.
You can also email me if you want, my email address is so then i can reply you better.
Umair Abbasi.
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Hi Umair,
i have just sent you an email with further details.
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