Is there a required Major/Minor version of Mongo and Redis
Running the installer for 2018 Update 2, it looks like it is installing
Mongo: 3.4.7 Redis: 2.8.2400
Unfortunately, the included installer doesn't let you install the bundled versions to a different location than the C:\
When I went to download the installers to re-run the installs, I found that Redis had newer 2.8 patch fixes with critical vulnerablities, and also a 3.0 release branch.
Similar, Mongo has new patch versions for 3.4, as well as new 3.6 and 4.0 release branches.
Does ModernRequirements have specifc versions/feature dependencies that need to match for the Mongo and Redis versions?
Open Dec 20, 2018 - 09:05 AM
Installation and Licensing > Modern Requirements4DevOps
Voted Best Answer
Dec 20, 2018 - 09:08 AM
Hi ,
Let me check this with our MR4TFS Dev team and as soon as they reply on this, I shall let you know.
Umair Abbasi,
Manager Support,
Modern Requirements.
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Hi ,
Please see the following reply from the MR4TFS Dev team in this regard : -
"You can move to higher versions but not lower."
Umair Abbasi,
Manager Support,
Modern Requirements.
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