How to quickly navigate to baseline of a product backlog item
We are trying to find the fastest way to navigate easily and quickly to be able to make a comparison for the product backlog items.
Instead of having to go to the baseline functionality navigate to the base line that contains this product backlog item and make the comparison manually, is there an easy way of navigating from the product backlog item to the baseline to make the comparison?
I don't see any link on the item that would allow me to navigate, but may be there is another easy way?
Open Jul 02, 2020 - 12:38 AM
Modern Requirement4DevOps > Baselining
Jul 02, 2020 - 02:30 PM
Hi ,
You can create a baseline from the Backlog page but you cannot access an already created baseline from the backlog page so currenlty this functionality is not yet available.
Umair Abbasi.
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