Mar 13, 2023 - 10:52 AM
Hi ,
In the Review hub, for this review request's Smart Doc View there it should not appear in ascedning order But in the actual order in which the Smart Doc was created and i have also checked\verified it and it appears in this manner.
Actually you are using very old buid of MR that is the MR 2021 update1 and probably in that build that was the case which you mentioned so therefore now i request you to please install the new\latest build MR 2023 and there you will be good to view exactly same order in the Smart Doc View of the review request.
Umair Abbasi.
In the Review hub, for this review request's Smart Doc View there it should not appear in ascedning order But in the actual order in which the Smart Doc was created and i have also checked\verified it and it appears in this manner.
Actually you are using very old buid of MR that is the MR 2021 update1 and probably in that build that was the case which you mentioned so therefore now i request you to please install the new\latest build MR 2023 and there you will be good to view exactly same order in the Smart Doc View of the review request.
Umair Abbasi.
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